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#Istayathome … with OPS!

“We have all read the hashtag #I stay at home at least once: on social media, on television, in newspapers. Combined with # everything will be fine is now constellating our days. It is the reference hashtag to remember the government’s invitation, which later became a duty, to stay at home to avoid possible contagion from Coronavirus or Covid-19. It is not an action that we do only to protect ourselves, but also and above all to protect the people most at risk such as the elderly, immunosuppressed and those who already suffer from heart and respiratory diseases. But not all evil comes to harm: during this mandatory quarantine, in fact, there are many initiatives born under the hashtag #I stay at home.

The campaign #I stay at home
As we said, the #I stay at home campaign and the limitations it brings with it have stimulated the imagination and ingenuity of users, who have therefore invented new ways to carry out daily activities or to make quarantine more bearable. Obviously, the first to run for cover, for reasons of necessity, were companies and schools: via smart working (NB we are also working from home) and distance learning, using online platforms and video calls. Afterwards, remote entertainment initiatives were born: many artists, including Francesca Michielin, Gianna Nannini, Nek, Francesco Gabbani and Jovanotti, tried their hand at improvised concerts at home

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