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Unless otherwise expressly provided in other specific provisions, the terms listed below have in these General Conditions of Sale the meaning attributed to them in the following definitions:
“Business Day” or “Business Days” means the days on which our offices are open for normal business (generally every day from 9am to 6pm excluding Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and in the event of certain exceptional circumstances of which we will promptly notify you on this site)
“Force Majeure Events” include situations resulting (directly or indirectly) from any strike, lock-out, fire, flood, proven inability to procure products, materials or services, failure or delay by suppliers or carriers, government laws or regulations or any other cause or event beyond our control. The foregoing is provided for example only. There are other events which may be considered force majeure.
These General Conditions of Sale have as their object the purchase of OPSOBJECTS products carried out remotely via the Internet on the site “” belonging to Diffusione Orologi srl, with headquarters in Via Santa Maria Valle, n. 4 20123 – Milan (MI). Such purchases are reserved for direct user Customers. Each purchase transaction will be regulated by the provisions of Legislative Decree 185/99 and, as regards the protection of confidentiality, will be subject to the legislation of Legislative Decree n. 196/03.
When the Customer places an online order for the products he has placed in the cart, he agrees to purchase them at the price and under the terms indicated in these General Conditions of Sale.
OPSOBJECTS will not accept orders:
– if the material, at the time of the order, is not available in stock (if the material is not available, it will not be possible to add it to the cart) and/or
– if the Customer’s credit card issuer does not confirm the payment.
OPSOBJECTS reserves the right to not accept the order, at its discretion.
These General Conditions of Sale must be examined online by Customers before sending their orders. The forwarding of the order therefore implies their total knowledge and their complete acceptance.
The Customer undertakes and is obliged, once the online purchase procedure has been concluded, to print and keep these general conditions of sale, already viewed and accepted during the purchase process carried out, in order to fully satisfy the condition set out in articles 3 and 4 of Legislative Decree no. 185/1999.
All prices on the site include VAT.
I prezzi riportati nel presente sito sono i prezzi di vendita attualmente in vigore. Nel caso in cui il prezzo della merce ordinata venga riportato da OPSOBJECTS in modo palesemente discordante, l’ordine potrà essere annullato in qualsiasi momento da OPSOBJECTS o dal Cliente, purchè prima dell’invio della merce, e sarà possibile riordinare i prodotti al corretto prezzo di vendita.
Il pagamento dei prodotti acquistati e delle relative spese di spedizione dovrà essere effettuato dal cliente all’atto dell’inoltro dell’ordine mediante l’utilizzo di una delle carte di credito disponibili ed indicate on line o tramite Contrassegno con pagamento alla consegna. OPSOBJECTS non è responsabile dell’eventuale uso fraudolento ed illecito che possa essere fatto da parte di terzi di carte di credito all’atto del pagamento dei prodotti acquistati.
In caso di accettazione dell’ordine si precisa che:
– per ordini accettati sul sito prima delle ore 13 di un giorno lavorativo, la spedizione della merce avviene normalmente entro le 72 ore successive;
– per ordini ricevuti dopo le ore 13 questo sarà lavorato il giorno lavorativo successivo e quindi le 72 ore diventano 96 ore successive all’ordine;
– se l’ordine è stato effettuato in un giorno non lavorativo, l’ordine verrà comunque spedito entro le 96 ore a partire dal primo giorno lavorativo successivo.
Si possono verificare delle eccezioni in caso di Eventi di Forza Maggiore.
La merce sarà consegnata tramite GLS corriere espresso a domicilio.
Per spedizione si intende la consegna della merce al corriere.
I tempi di consegna descritti durante il processo di acquisto sul sito dipendono dal metodo di spedizione utilizzato, e dal luogo di destinazione della merce. in funzione di peso e dimensioni degli articoli acquistati. Il corriere consegnerà la merce solo a fronte di una firma che confermi la ricezione della stessa.
Nel caso in cui la merce, spedita tramite corriere, non arrivi entro il termine stabilito, il Cliente dovrà contattare OPSOBJECTS al numero indicato in questo sito.
Nel caso in cui la merce non sia stata consegnata per impossibilità del Cliente a riceverla, quest’ultimo dovrà per prima cosa contattare il corriere tramite i riferimenti che vengono lasciati dal corriere stesso per i casi di mancata ricezione della merce e, nel caso in cui tale operazione non sia possibile, il numero verde per l’assistenza ai clienti indicato in questo sito.
Qualora la spedizione della merce non avvenga nei tempi concordati oppure il corriere incaricato non provveda alla consegna della merce entro i tempi di consegna previsti, OPSOBJECTS contatterà il Cliente nel più breve tempo possibile e, in base alle esigenze di quest’ultimo, cercherà di stabilire un altro termine di consegna.
Nel caso in cui non si riesca a raggiungere un accordo in tal senso, OPSOBJECTS rimborserà al Cliente l’intero importo versato.
Per esercitare tale diritto, il cliente dovrà contattare il servizio di assistenza indicato sul sito, seguire le istruzioni che l’operatore gli fornirà ed inviare a OPSOBJECTS una comunicazione in tal senso, entro 7 giorni lavorativi dalla data di ricevimento della merce. Tale comunicazione dovrà essere inviata a mezzo lettera raccomandata con avviso di ricevimento, ovvero mediante telegramma o fax inviati sempre entro il suddetto termine di 7 giorni e seguiti da una conferma inviata a mezzo lettera raccomandata con avviso di ricevimento entro le 48 ore successive.
Una volta pervenutaci la suddetta comunicazione di recesso, OPSOBJECTS provvederà rapidamente a comunicare al cliente i dettagli sulla modalità di restituzione della merce.
Quale unico onere, e qualora l’errore non sia dipeso da un fatto imputabile a OPSOBJECTS il Cliente dovrà sostenere le spese di restituzione della merce.
La merce dovrà essere restituita integra e nell’imballo originale, completo di tutte le sue parti e senza aver subito danneggiamento alcuno.
Al suo arrivo in magazzino, la merce sarà esaminata e, in presenza di danneggiamenti o manomissioni, il recesso non potrà essere esercitato
OPSOBJECTS provvederà a rimborsare al cliente l’intero importo già pagato entro i termini di legge. Il rimborso verrà effettuato tramite riaccredito dell’importo dovuto sulla carta di credito utilizzata dal cliente per l’acquisto oggetto di rimborso.
Sarà cura del Cliente fornire tempestivamente a OPSOBJECTS tutte le eventuali informazioni necessarie per una corretta e sollecita procedura di rimborso.
Ogni eventuale reclamo dovrà essere rivolto direttamente a OPSOBJECTS, previo contatto con l’assistenza clienti o e-mail all’indirizzo dedicato indicato nel sito. OPSOBJECTS si impegna a rispondere ai reclami entro tre giorni lavorativi.
Il contratto di vendita tra il Cliente e OPSOBJECTS si intende concluso in Italia e regolato dalla legge italiana. Per qualsiasi controversia relativa alla validità, interpretazione o esecuzione del medesimo contratto la competenza territoriale è del giudice del luogo di residenza o di domicilio del consumatore, se ubicati nel territorio dello Stato.
Gli acquisti on-line vengono spediti e consegnati in max 7 Giorni su tutto il territorio nazionale tramite corriere espresso GLS, dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle 9,00 alle 18,00. Tutti gli ordini ricevuti vengono processati e spediti al più presto, a seguito dell’autorizzazione del pagamento della carta di credito e chiaramente a seguito della disponibilità di magazzino.
Unless otherwise expressly provided for in other specific provisions, the terms listed below have in these General Conditions of Sale, the meaning attributed to them in the following definitions:
“Business Day” or “Business Days” means the days in which our offices are open for normal activities (generally every day from 9 to 18 excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays and in the occasion of some exceptional circumstances of which we will give you timely news on this site)
“Force Majeure Events” include situations resulting (directly or indirectly) from any strikes, lockouts, fires, floods, proven inability to procure products, materials or services, breakdowns, delays by suppliers or couriers, government laws or regulations or any other cause or event beyond our control. The above is provided by way of example only. There are other events that may have a force majeure character.
These General Conditions of Sale have as their object the purchase of OPSOBJECTS products carried out remotely via the computer network on the site “” belonging to Diffusione Orologi srl, based in Via Santa Maria Valle, n. 4 20123 – Milano (MI). These purchases are reserved for direct user customers. Each purchase transaction will be governed by the provisions of Legislative Decree 185/99 and, as regards the protection of confidentiality, will be subject to the regulations referred to in Legislative Decree no. 196/03.
When the Customer places an online order for the products he has placed in the cart, he agrees to purchase them at the price and terms indicated in these General Conditions of Sale.
OPSOBJECTS will not accept orders:
– if the material, at the time of the order, is not available in stock (if the material is not available, it will not be possible to add it to the cart) and / or
– if the issuer of the Customer’s credit card does not confirm the payment.
However, OPSOBJECTS reserves the right not to accept the order, at its discretion.
These General Conditions of Sale must be examined online by the Customers before sending their orders. The placing of the order therefore implies their full knowledge and their full acceptance.
The Customer undertakes and undertakes, once the online purchase procedure has been completed, to print and keep these general conditions of sale, already viewed and accepted during the purchase process, in order to fully satisfy the condition referred to. to articles 3 and 4 of Legislative Decree no. 185/1999.
All prices on the site include VAT.
The prices shown on this site are the sales prices currently in force. In the event that the price of the ordered goods is reported by OPSOBJECTS in a clearly discordant way, the order may be canceled at any time by OPSOBJECTS or by the Customer, provided that before sending the goods, and it will be possible to reorder the products at the correct price of sale.
The payment of the purchased products and related shipping costs must be made by the customer at the time of placing the order by using one of the credit cards available and indicated online. OPSOBJECTS is not responsible for any fraudulent or illegal use that may be made by third parties of credit cards upon payment of the purchased products.
In case of acceptance of the order it is specified that:
– for orders accepted on the site before 1 pm on a working day, the shipment of the goods normally takes place within the following 72 hours;
– for orders received after 1pm this will be processed the next working day and therefore the 72 hours become 96 hours after the order;
– if the order was placed on a non-working day, the order will still be shipped within 96 hours starting from the next working day.
Exceptions may occur in the event of Force Majeure Events.
The goods will be delivered via GLS express courier at home.
By shipment we mean the delivery of the goods to the courier.
The delivery times described during the purchase process on the site depend on the shipping method used, and the place of destination of the goods. according to the weight and size of the items purchased. The courier will deliver the goods only against a signature confirming receipt of the same.
In the event that the goods, sent by courier, do not arrive within the established deadline, the Customer must contact OPSOBJECTS at the number indicated on this site.
In the event that the goods have not been delivered due to the Customer’s inability to receive them, the latter must first contact the courier using the references that are left by the courier himself for cases of non-receipt of the goods and, in the event that this operation is not possible, the toll-free number for customer assistance indicated on this site.
If the shipment of the goods does not take place within the agreed time or the courier in charge does not deliver the goods within the expected delivery times, OPSOBJECTS will contact the Customer as soon as possible and, based on the needs of the latter, will try to establish another delivery time.
In the event that it is not possible to reach an agreement to this effect, OPSOBJECTS will reimburse the Customer for the full amount paid.
To exercise this right, the customer must contact the assistance service indicated on the site, follow the instructions that the operator will provide and send OPSOBJECTS a communication to that effect, within 7 working days from the date of receipt of the goods. This communication must be sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt, or by telegram or fax always sent within the aforementioned term of 7 days and followed by a confirmation sent by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within the following 48 hours.
Once we have received the aforementioned notice of withdrawal, OPSOBJECTS will quickly notify the customer of the details on how to return the goods.
As the only burden, and if the error did not depend on a fact attributable to OPSOBJECTS, the Customer will have to bear the costs of returning the goods.
The goods must be returned intact and in the original packaging, complete with all its parts and without having suffered any damage.
Upon arrival at the warehouse, the goods will be examined and, in the presence of damage or tampering, the withdrawal cannot be exercised.
OPSOBJECTS will refund the customer the full amount already paid within the terms of the law. The refund will be made by crediting the amount due to the credit card used by the customer for the purchase subject to refund.
It will be the Customer’s responsibility to promptly provide OPSOBJECTS with any information necessary for a correct and prompt refund procedure.
Any complaints must be addressed directly to OPSOBJECTS, after contacting customer support or e-mailing the dedicated address indicated on the site. OPSOBJECTS undertakes to respond to complaints within three working days.
The sales contract between the Customer and OPSOBJECTS is concluded in Italy and governed by Italian law. For any dispute relating to the validity, interpretation or execution of the same contract, the territorial jurisdiction is of the judge of the place of residence or domicile of the consumer, if located in the territory of the State.
Online purchases are shipped and delivered in a maximum of 7 days throughout the country by express courier GLS, from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 to 18.00. All orders received are processed and shipped as soon as possible, following the authorization of the credit card payment and clearly following stock availability.